home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/bash
- #!/usr/local/bin/bash
- ############################################################################
- #
- # Run the LAME encoder on multiple files, with option to delete .wav files
- # after encoding. "mlame -h" will give instructions.
- #
- # Robert Hegemann <Robert.Hegemann@gmx.de>
- #
- ############################################################################
- mp3coder="lame"
- options="-h -d -m j -b 128"
- rmsrc=false
- helptext="\
- \nThis script runs the LAME mp3 encoder on multiple files: \n\n\
- $0 [options] <file 1> ... <file n>\n\
- \n\
- options:\n\
- -h this help text\n\
- -r remove files after encoding\n\
- -o \"<lame options>\" overrides script default options \"${options}\"\n\
- \n\
- example:\n\
- $0 -r -o \"-v -V 0 -b 112\" a*.wav z*.aif\n\
- \n\
- "
- # process command-line options
- # this could be extended to fake the
- # commandline interface of the mp3encoder
- while getopts ":o:r" optn; do
- case $optn in
- o ) options=$OPTARG # replace default options
- ;;
- r ) rmsrc=true
- ;;
- \? ) printf "$helptext"
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- done
- shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
- # process input-files
- for filename in "$@"; do
- case $filename in
- *[*?]* ) # means shell couldnĀ“t extend *.wav, etc.
- echo "warning: no $filename file(s) found"
- ;;
- *[.][wW][aA][vV] )
- name=${filename%[.][wW][aA][vV]}
- if $mp3coder $options "$filename" "${name}.mp3"
- then
- if [ $rmsrc = true ]; then
- rm -f "$filename"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- *[.][aA][iI][fF] )
- name=${filename%[.][aA][iI][fF]}
- if $mp3coder $options "$filename" "${name}.mp3"
- then
- if [ $rmsrc = true ]; then
- rm -f "$filename"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- * )
- if $mp3coder $options "$filename" "${filename}.mp3"
- then
- if [ $rmsrc = true ]; then
- rm -f "$filename"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done